Desayuno Turco

Turkish Breakfast

In our house we have always liked Turkish, Arabic or Syrian-Lebanese cuisine (Ottoman Empire haha), kibbeh, hummus, tabbouleh, baklavas, malfuf (vine leaves), kebbabs...... everything. A cuisine full of spices, flavors and spiciness, which is based on sharing with family and friends.

It occurred to us during Easter to make a Brunch inspired by this context and we decided to make this recipe that does not have a particular name but has a Turkish soul, where Arabic bread is used as a base to accompany many preparations.

Arabic bread with fried egg on a base of hummus, yogurt sauce, eggplant, roasted garlic and onions and naga jolokia .

Roasted Vegetable Ingredients

  • 1 eggplant
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • Salt and pepper

Roasted Vegetables Instructions

To debitter the eggplants: cut the eggplant into slices, add plenty of salt and leave it on kitchen paper for 10 minutes. Then they dry

Place the sliced ​​onion, the debittered eggplant, and the garlic cloves in a mold, add salt and pepper and add plenty of olive oil.

Leave it in the oven at 180C for 30 minutes or until you see that the vegetables have taken on a caramelized color.

Yogurt Sauce Ingredients

  • 1 unsweetened Greek yogurt
  • 1 lemon
  • Olive oil
  • Salt, garlic powder and pepper
  • Dill and 4 fresh mint leaves

Yogurt Sauce Instructions

Finely chop the mint, add all the ingredients until you have a smooth mixture, and adjust the flavors.

Hummus Ingredients

  • 1 can or jar of cooked chickpeas. Reserve the chickpea water.
  • 1 tablespoon tahini paste
  • 1 tablespoon tahini oil
  • 1 lemon
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper

Hummus Instructions

Put all the ingredients in the processor or blender until all the ingredients are well incorporated and a smooth mixture, adjusting the flavors according to taste.

If moisture is needed, add the water from the canned chickpeas by teaspoonfuls.

You can decorate it with olive oil and paprika.

Arabic Bread Ingredients

  • 350g flour
  • 210g of water
  • 7g dry yeast (or 14g fresh)
  • 7g olive oil
  • 7g salt

Arabic Bread Instructions

It is kneaded for 10 to 15 minutes to develop the gluten (it can be in a mixer with a hook), it is divided into 60g balls, molded into a ball, and allowed to rest or rise for 15 minutes.

Take each portion, knead it with a rolling pin like making pizza and place it in a very hot frying pan without oil. You can also bake them at 240C for 4 minutes.

Our tip is to turn a Wok on the stove, let it get very hot and put each tortilla on the base of the wok, when bubbles form it is time to change sides.

For the assembly

On top of the freshly made Arabic bread, put a layer of hummus, roasted vegetables, yogurt sauce, a fried egg, salt, pepper and naga jolokia to taste... that's how quickly it's ready for everyone in the room. table share and start a day with all the energy.

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